Monday, May 12, 2014

How to Reduce EHR Incentive Audit Anxiety

Sarah Tupper, REACH HIT Consultant
Edited by Patti Kritzberger, REACH HIT Consultant

Picture this: Less than 24 hours remain until you are ready to depart on a much-needed and well-deserved vacation from your organizational responsibilities around meaningful use, when KAPOW, you get an email from the CMS EHR MU Incentive Program or Figliozzi & Co. notifying you that your CAH/EH or EP(s) are the subject of an audit!  How do you respond? With: 1) Cold sweat and racing heart beat?; or, 2) Calmly click through your well-organized audit efiles, upload the requested documents to the Figliozzi portal and, within hours, you are relaxing on the beach with your favorite cool beverage in-hand?

Let REACH help you achieve the latter scenario. We have assisted more than 40 organizations with audit guidance and/or audit preparation site visits to help ease anxiety around audits.

Today, let’s focus on the first step, an organized filing system.

For CAH/EH’s, consider the following efile structure:

EPs will follow a similar structure, but remember you will be audited on individual EPs, so you will want individual folders for each EP.  Something like the following:

Obviously, organized files are only the first step.  To learn more about how REACH can help, contact your assigned REACH HIT Consultant.  If you are not yet a REACH client, please contact Bill Sonterre at, and…may all of your vacations be audit-worry free!